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Food Testing Assays

Microsynth provides a comprehensive portfolio of food testing assays.
The portfolio includes assays to trace or quantify marker genes of specific animal and allergenic or transgenic background in food samples.

Features and Benefits

High Quality
  • Ring-trial validated qPCR and digital PCR assays (multiplex, quantitative, highly specific)1
  • Primer & probes are manufactured inhouse by Microsynth
  • High quantity delivered:
    • qPCR assay: 1 kit contains 5 tubes with primer/probe sets for 5 x 20 PCR reactions (25 µl volume)
    • ddPCR assay: 1 kit contains 4 tubes with primer sets for 4 x 24 PCR reactions
  • High efficiency (assay with up to 5 markers in one PCR run!)
  • Attractive prices


  • Ready-to-use kits with detailed SOP: just solubilize the primer/probe mixture in ddH2O and add your PCR mastermix (not included)
  • Compatibility with majority of qPCR systems (the dyes FAM, JOE, ROX, Cy5 and Dy681 are used)
Add on Service
  • Food testing can be outsourced to Microsynth
  • Customized multiplex kit development possible
1 All assays have been developed in collaboration with Dr. Rene Köppel from the Zurich Cantonal Laboratory, an acknowledged expert on the use of cutting-edge analytical systems for food safety testing.

qPCR Products


Allergen-Specific Kits:

Product Name Article Number Assay Type Marker 1 Marker 2 Marker
Marker 4 Marker 5 Re-
AllAll A 1200 Tetraplex Peanut Celery Soybean Hazelnut   [1, 16]
AllAll B 1202 Tetraplex Cow's milk Almond Chicken egg Sesame   [2, 16]
AllAll G 1231 Tetraplex Lupine Almond Para Nut Sesame   [22]
AllAll K 1232 Tetraplex Sesame Almond Lupine Soybean    

Species-Specific Kits:

Product Name Article Number Assay Type Marker
AllMeat 1204 Tetraplex Chicken Pork Beef Turkey   [4,5,6,16]
AllHorse 1206 Tetraplex Sheep Pork Beef Horse   [7,8,16,17]
AllMilk 1217 Tetraplex Cow Goat Sheep Water buffalo   [9]
AllPaté 1223 Pentaplex Chicken Duck Goose Turkey Pig [19]
AllWild 1214 Pentaplex Chamois Cattle Roe deer Red, Sika and Fallow deer Pig and Wild Boar  
AllCheese 1244 Triplex Sheep Goat Cattle      
AllVegi 1222 Triplex Fish Myostatin (Mammals / Birds) Plants      
AllWasabi 1213 Duplex Horseradish Wasabi       [27]
AssignAnimal 1225 This SYB Green real-time PCR kit allows typification of different species in combination with Sanger DNA sequencing. Amplification is based on the conserved cytochrom B region of DNA from mammals, birds and fishes. [20]


GMO-Specific Kits: 

1. Screening:

Product Name Article Number Assay Type Marker
Marker 4 Marker
AllGVOScB 1215 Pentaplex Nos- terminator 35S promoter Soy (lectin) Mais (mhmg) CaMV [10]
AllGVOScC 1210 Tetraplex FMV promoter Bar gene CP2 / CP4 / EPSPS Pat gene   [11,16]

2. Soy:

Product Name Article Number Assay Type Marker
Marker 4 Marker
AllSoyA 1212 Pentaplex Roundup Ready Mon89788 Soybean Le1 gene Soy2704  A5547-127 [12,13,16]
AllSoyB 1235 Pentaplex DP305423-1 DP356043-5 Lectin CV127-9 Mon87701 [16]
AllSoyC 1239 Pentaplex Mon87708 Mon87769 Lectin FG72 Mon87705 [26]


3. Maize

Product Name Article Number Assay Type Marker
AllMaize C 1227 Pentaplex Starlink CBH Mon863r T25 Maize (mhmg) Mon810 [10]
AllMaize D 1229 Pentaplex Bt11 Nk603 Ly038 Maize (mhmg) Bt176 [10]
AllMaize E 1240 Pentaplex GA21 DAS-59122-7 Mon89034 Maize (mhmg) Mon88017 [23, 24, 25]
AllMaize F 1241 Pentaplex Syngenta3272 MIR604 TC1507 Maize (mhmg) DP-98140 [23]
AllMaize G 1242 Pentaplex Mir162 Maize DAS-40278-9 Mon87460 Maize (mhmg) EventBt10 [27, 28, 29, 30]


Microorganism-Specific Kits:

Product Name Article Number Assay Type Marker
AllBaktA 1219 Pentaplex E. coli Stx1 Stx2 intimin Salmonella (incl. Bongori) Listeria mono- cytogenes Campylo-bacter spp IPC pUC19 [14]
AllBaktAv2 1236 Pentaplex E. coli eae/intimin Salmonella (incl. Bongori) Listeria mono- cytogenes E. coli Stx1 Stx2 IPC pUC19  
AllCamp 1221 Tetraplex Campylo-bacter jejuni Campylo-bacter lari Campylo-bacter coli IPC pUC19   [15]
AllColi 1233 Tetraplex E. coli spp E. coli eae/intimin E. coli Stx1 E. coli Stx2   [18]
AllBaktB 1237 Pentaplex E.coli Clostridium perfringens Staphylococcus aureus Bacillus cereus IPC pUC19 [21]

Click on the product name of any of the assays listed in the tables above to download a user guide.

Important - Please Note!
To run our assays successfully, you need an adequate real-time PCR / digital PCR mastermix and a real-time PCR thermocycler capable of measuring multiplex reactions at the required wavelengths. If you do not have the necessary real-time PCR / digital PCR equipment, let Microsynth run your assay(s) of choice on a fee-for-service basis. In this context see also the submenu "Real-Time PCR – Project-Based Analysis Services".

References and Additional Technical Information
AllAll A
[1] Köppel R. et al. Two tetraplex real-time PCR for the detection and quantification of DNA from eight allergens in food. Eur. Food. Res. Technol. 230, 367-374 (2009).
AllAll B
[2] Köppel R. et al. Two tetraplex real-time PCR for the detection and quantification of DNA from eight allergens in food. Eur. Food. Res. Technol. 230, 367-374(2009).
[4] Eugster A. et al. Quantification of beef, pork, chicken and turkey proportions in sausages: use of matrix-adapted standards and comparison of single versus multiplex PCR in an interlaboratory trial. Eur. Food. Res. Technol. 230, 55-61 (2009).
[5] Köppel R. et al. Multiplex real-time PCR for the detection and quantification of DNA from beef, pork, chicken and turkey. Eur. Food. Res. Technol. 227,1199-1203 (2008).
[6] Accessories: Calculation sheet for normalisation to 100%
[7] Proficiency test done, publication submitted.
[8] Accessories: Calculation sheet for normalisation to 100%
[17] Köppel R. et al. Multiplex real-time PCR for the detection and quantification of DNA from beef, pork, horse and sheep. Eur. Food. Res. Technol. 232,151-155 (2011).
[9]  Rentsch R. et al. Interlaboratory validation of two multiplex quantitative real-time PCR methods to determine species DNA of cow, sheep and goat as a measure of milk proportions in cheese European Eur. Food. Res. Technol. 236, 217-227 (2013).

[10] [11] Köppel et al. Two quantitative multiplex real-time PCR systems for the efficient GMO-screening of food products. European Food Research and Technology (DOI); 239 (4):  635-659 (2014).
[12] Köppel R. et al. Multiplex real-time PCR for the detection and quantification of DNA from four transgenic soy Mon89788, A5547-127, Roundup Ready, A2704-12 and lectin. Eur. Food. Res. Technol. 235, 23-28 (2012).
[13] Accessories: Calculation sheet for ΔΔct calculations
[14] Köppel et al (2013) Nonaplex real-time PCR detection of Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter, Salmonella and enteropathogene E. coli after universal enrichement in food samples; European Food Research and Technology 237:315–322.
[15] Mayr, A.M. et al. Rapid detection and differentiation of Campylobacter jejuni, Campylobacter coli, and Campylobacter lari in food, using Multiplex Real-Time PCR. Journal of food protection. 73,241-250 (2010).
Optimal Taq-polymerases for multiplex application like AllAllA,B, AllMeat, AllHorse, AllSoy and AllGVOScC
[16] Köppel R. et al. Proposal for a performance factor to characterize real-time PCR systems, evaluate premixed DNA-Polymerases and assign minimal performance criteria for individual quantitative PCR-runs. In press.
[18] Pavliovic et al. Development of a Multiplex Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction for simultaneous Detection of enterohemorragic Escherichia coli and enteropathogenic Escherichia coli Strains. Foodborn Pathogens and Disease. 7,801-808 (2010).
[19] Köppel R. et al. Multiplex real-time PCR for the detection and quantification of DNA from duck, goose, chicken, turkey and pork; European Food Research and Technology Volume 236: 1093-1098 (2013).
[20] N.V. Morf et al (2013) A multiplex PCR method to identify bushmeat species in wildlife forensics Forensic Science International: Genetics Supplement Series,
[21] Publication in prepartion
[22] Waiblinger et al. Ring trial validation of single and multiplex real-time PCR methods for the detection and quantification of the allergenic food ingredients sesame, almond, lupine and Brazil nut Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety; 9: 297-310 (2014).
[23] Seong-Hun Lee, Bu-Young Yi, Su-Jeong Kim (2009) Event-specific analytical methods for biotech maize MIR 604 and DAS-59122-7, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 89, 15, p 2616–2624

[24] European commission, Joint research centre JRC. Institute for health and consumer protection IHCP, Biotechnology and GMO's unit, Ispra (VA) - Italy October 2008 Protocol. Event-specific method for the quantification of Maize Line MON89034 using real-time PCR.

[25] European commission, Joint research centre JRC. Institute for health and consumer protection IHCP, Biotechnology and GMO's unit, Ispra (VA) - Italy March 2010): Protocol MON88017. Event-specific method for the quantification of maize line MON88017 using real-time PCR.

[26] René Köppel, Thomas Bucher, Anna Frei, Hans-Ulrich Waiblinger (2015) Droplet digital PCR versus multiplex real-time PCR Method for the detection and quantification of DNA from the four transgenic soy traits Mon87769, Mon87708, MON87705, FG72 and lectin, European Food Research and Technology: Volume 241, Issue 4 Page 521-527
[27] René Köppel, Thomas Bucher (2016) Duplex real‑time PCR for the determination of wasabi (Eutrema wasabi) contents in horseradish (Armoracia rusticana) products applying the ΔΔct‑method, Eur Food Res Technol (2016) 242:1111–1115, DOI 10.1007/s00217-015-2615-7

dPCR Products

Species-Specific Kits:

Product Name Article Number Assay Type Re-
dNoBA 1243 This digital PCR kit (EvaGreen duplex assay) allows quantitative determination of Non-Basmati rice content in Basmati rice samples. [1]
dBePo 1218 This digital PCR kit (probe duplex assay) allows quantitative determination of beef and porc in meat samples. [2]
dMarzipan 1216 This digital PCR kit (probe duplex assay) allows quantitative determination of marzipan and apricot in marzipan products.  

Click on the product name of any of the assays listed in the tables above to download a user guide.

Important - Please Note!
To run our assays successfully, you need an adequate real-time PCR / digital PCR mastermix and a real-time PCR thermocycler capable of measuring multiplex reactions at the required wavelengths. All Pentaplex assays are also available with the dye ATTO 425 instead of Dyomics 681, in case your real-time PCR thermocycler / digital PCR equipment capable of measuring multiplex reactions at the required wavelengths. If you do not have the necessary real-time PCR / digital PCR equipment, let Microsynth run your assay(s) of choice on a fee-for-service basis. In this context see also the submenu "Real-Time PCR – Project-Based Analysis Services".
References and Additional Technical Information
[1] Thomas Bucher and René Köppel, Duplex digital droplet PCR NoBa for the determination of non-Basmati rice in Basmati rice (Oryza sativa), European Food Research and Technology, published DOI 10.1007/s00217-015-2599-3
[2] Köppel et al, Digital duplex versus real-time PCR for the determination of meat proportions from sausages containing pork and beef, European Food Research and Technology

How to Order

To obtain information about pricing or to place an order please contact us.
If you are interested in more technical information, please contact our collaboration partner at the Zurich Cantonal Laboratory Dr. Rene Köppel.